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Rasmus Lauge fortsætter i Veszprém til 2024

CHJ Management profil Rasmus Lauge har forlænget sin kontrakt med den ungarske storklub Telekom Veszprém til sommeren 2024.


Pressemeddelelse fra Telekom Veszprém:

Det er i dag blevet officielt, at Rasmus Lauge fortsætter i Telekom Veszprém i yderligere tre år.

Bagspillerens kontrakt indeholdt en klausul om en 1-årig kontraktforlængelse, som er blevet aktiveret af Telekom Veszprém, og parterne er desuden blevet enige om at forlænge kontrakten med yderligere to år, så den nye kontrakt løber indtil d. 30. juni 2024.

Den danske verdensmester Rasmus Lauge har indtil videre spillet 53 kampe i Veszprém og scoret 159 mål. Desværre blev Rasmus Lauge ramt af en alvorlig knæskade i vores hjemmekamp mod Kiel. Vi håber, at han kan nå sin form før skaden så hurtigt som muligt.

 Vi ønsker Rasmus en god bedring og mange flere store succeser i Veszprém-trøjen!

Interview Dominik Mathé


How and why did you start to play handball (Is your family a handball family? Is your home town a handball town?)

i started in the kinder school that was the only that i can chose in the school and i really liked it , and i wanted to do something because i was a bit chubby guy , my family is a sport family but i am the only who is playing handball my father was a basketball player my brother still a waterpolo player my grandfather was a volleyball player

My hometown is not a handball town  is in the east of hungary the talented guys often came to the west to play there

When did you realize that you were talented and maybe had a future as a pro handball player (Were you always one of the best? Did you always played as a right back?)

, after a few years when i moved to budapest for one year and i had a world class player who was my coach if i am honest when i was child i didn t think that i can be that good but i did everything worked hard trained more than the others  i missed so much from the school because of the handball, in the youth team we were good like a team but my teammates really believed in me , in the beginning i played a bit in the pivot position but after very soon i changed to right back

How is the talent system in Hungary? At what age did you got picked for talent teams and youth national teams? How big is handball in Hungary?


A lot of great players have been developed in Balatonfüredi KSE like Banhidi, Szekely, Boka Bendeguz, Gÿori, Hornyak, Szöllösi, Kasparek, Faluvegi and yourself. Why is Balantonfüred so good with talents?

Hungary have a proud handball history with great legends like Kovacs, Perez, Fazekas, Pasztor and Nagy – but who was your biggest idol growing up with handball and why (it don’t have to be a Hungarian player)?

How is it to have a legend like Nagy who played the same position as you do now on the bench of the national team. What have you learned from him, and does he helps you a lot?

You came directly from the Hungarian youth national team to the senior national team. What was it like to get your debut for the national team at this young age, and had you expected to go into the senior national team that fast?

You have already played 3 Championships with Hungary despite being only 21 years old. And your role has become bigger and bigger. At the World Championship in January you became your teams top scorer and had a huge role. How do you see your development and your role in the Hungarian team. What did you think about the Championship in Egypt from a Hungarian point of view?
How was the Championship in Egypt different from the once you played earlier (no spectators, covid-19 procedure and so on?

The Hungarian team has underwent a generational change and made good results lately. In less than a year you play the European Championship on home soil. What’s your expectations for this major event? And how do your handle the great expectations of the Hungarian people? How important for Hungarian handball is this Championship? What do you think about your new arena in Budapest?

Hungary has a long tradition as a big handball country, but in recent years Hungary has been outside top 4 in the World. What do you think Hungary needs to improve to be one of the best teams in the world? Is it good or bad for the Hungarian national team that the two powerhouses of Hungary, Pick Szeged and Telekom Veszprém, uses a lot of money on foreign players?

On the national team you often shoots the 7 meters penalties and also sometimes in your club. Have you always been a 7 meter shooter? Do you have a lot of different shots or do you stick to 2-3 shots. What do you do, when you shoot? Have you decided what to do before or do you look more at the goalkeeper? You almost decided the match against Germany with a goal on 7 meter. What did you think about before the shot?

A lot of people were very surprised when you decided to move from Balatonfüredi KSE to Norwegian Elverum. It is very rare that the biggest talents from your region go to Scandinavia. Can you tell me why you decided to go to Elverum instead of clubs like Szeged, Zagreb, Veszprém, Vardar, Celje or the Bundesliga or France?

It has been a very special year in Elverum because of the covid-19. A lot of postponed matches and no spectators. How has the year been for you both on and off the court? What have you learned being away from Hungary? What have you learned and developed as a handball player? What skills do you focus on improving your game?

What is the biggest differences between the Hungarian handball culture and the Norwegian handball culture? What has surprised you the most about Norwegian handball and Elverum HH? How is it going with your Norwegian language ????? Do you like the weather in Elverum ?????

You have a contract with Elverum until 2022. What do you think about the future? What is your next step? Which club is you dream club to play in? Which league do you think suits your playing style the best (France, Germany, SEHA, Scandinavia)?

You are a very happy and positive person with a very good attitude and you are eager to learn. Furthermore it seemed like you had no problem going to another country, and you fit into the team in Elverum right away. Have you always been a positive person and where does this positivity come from?

You are known for you insanely hard shot. How did you learn to shoot so hard?

Which player is the best player you ever played with and why?

Which player is the best player you played against and why?

Which coach has learned you the most and what?


Det er blevet officielt i dag, at Rasmus Lauge vil være en del af Telekom Veszprém i yderligere tre år.


Venstre back-kontrakten indeholdt en +1 års option, som er blevet aktiveret af Veszprém Handball Team Co. Ltd., og parterne blev desuden enige om to ekstra år. I henhold til den nye kontrakt har bestyrelsen udvidet aftalen med forfald den 30. juni 2021 indtil den 30. juni 2024.


Den danske verdensmester Rasmus Lauge har indtil videre spillet 53 kampe i Veszprém og scoret 159 mål. Desværre led Rasmus en alvorlig knæskade i vores hjemmekamp mod Kiel, hvorfra han stadig er ved at komme sig. Vi håber, at han kan nå sin udestående form for skade så hurtigt som muligt.


Vi ønsker Rasmus en hurtig bedring og mange flere store succeser i Veszprém-trøje!

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